Danielle Ngo was born in Saigon, South Vietnam. She and her family fled as refugees when she was just 3-years old. In 1980, they were resettled in the U.S, whe
Download the Brief The Issue Russia has failed to achieve most of its objectives in Ukraine because of poor military planning, significant logistical problems, low combat readiness, and other deficiencies, which undermined Russian military effectiveness. These and other challenges including Ukrainian military efforts and Western aid severely impacted Russian air, ground,
Download the Brief The Issue The United States and its partners and allies should be prepared to conduct a sustained diplomatic, economic, military, and humanitarian campaign that supports Ukraine and raises the financial and military costs for Moscow of meddling in Ukraine both now and in the future. Russia has several weaknesses that can be exploited, and Ukrainian
Download the Brief The Issue The number of Houthi attacks against predominantly civilian targets in Saudi Arabia doubled over the first nine months of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, according to new CSIS analysis. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force and Lebanese Hezbollah have played a critical role in providing weapons, technology, training, and