Danielle Goldtooth of the Diné nation and her husband Alan Moore sit down with the band to talk about land: what grows there, what can we do with it, and how can we undo some of our ingrained and damaging ideas? The conversation ranges from food sovereignty to foraging, with a detour to talk about some accidental cucumber/melon hybrids along the way. Plus, unions at Death and Co? In the wake of this week’s election the band gets thoughtful about the future of labor unions in craft cocktail bars.
During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, reservations can be helpful for bars and customers alike.
On March 25, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey lifted coronavirus-related restrictions on bars. This means bar owners no longer have to limit capacity or enforce safety rules to keep their staff and customers safe. Bars, however, are private property and owners can continue to enforce safety measures if they choose to do so.
But making a reservation can give customers an indication of if a bar is likely to be crowded. Also, reservations made online often include instructions and explanations of and safety measures and rules they might encounter at the business.