The aptly named “Perseverance” show opens this week at Barnard Street’s Kobo Gallery. As the press release says, “By definition, Perseverance means to be persistent.
NNPA NEWSWIRE “I think that if proton therapy were an option, I think he would still be here,” said Mary Lambert, the widow of Benjamin Lambert IV, in an interview. “We appealed it. We had doctors write letters, we saw different specialists, and they flat out refused. We went to the insurance after it was passed into state law in the state of Virginia and Terry McAuliffe who was governor at the time and he signed an emergency deal to make it law immediately, stating that proton therapy could be held at a higher standard than photon therapy. And they are still refusing to adhere to the letter of the law.”
The post Black Men Die of Prostate Cancer at Double the Rate of All Other Races first appeared on BlackPressUSA.
NNPA NEWSWIRE In 2022, Russia has decimated Ukraine and left 40 million people without water, food, heat, and a place to sleep. As Ukraine and Russia starts its second month of war or military action, thousands are crying, and many are dying. There is no plausible reason for the war, but insanity also does not have a reason.
The post COMMENTARY: Where is There Peace When There’s So Much War in 2022? first appeared on BlackPressUSA.
HOWARD UNIVERSITY NEWS SERVICE According to a new modeling study published in Pediatrics, a child loses a parent or guardian in one of every four COVID-19 deaths, a devastating consequence that is affecting the lives of an estimated 140,000 children.
The post Brothers Lean on “Granny,” Aunt, One Another After Covid-19 Loss first appeared on BlackPressUSA.