The Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) today welcomed a new study on the proposal for a consolidated tape (CT) in Europe. Independently written and produced by management consultancy Oliver Wyman and commissioned by FESE, the study, entitled ‘Caught on Tape’, sets out a cost-benefit analysis of various CT options for Europe. It concludes that starting with a 15-minute delay post-trade tape would be the most favourable for issuers and investors.
Feb 25, 2021
Helsinki – A bank’s credit metrics may soon rely more on how seriously it views equality between the sexes, according to DBRS Morningstar.
The ratings firm says a clear focus on gender diversity puts lenders in a better position to live up to the environmental, social and governance goals that investors increasingly demand.
Some of the world’s biggest investors have made clear gender diversity isn’t just a fad. Norway’s $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund, which owns 1.5% of the world’s stocks, wants the companies it owns to have at least 30% of their board positions held by women, it said this month.
Bank Ratings Get Sex-Equality Revamp, Exposing Nordic Edge
Bloomberg 2/24/2021 Kati Pohjanpalo
(Bloomberg) A bank’s credit metrics may soon rely more on how seriously it views equality between the sexes, according to DBRS Morningstar.
The ratings firm says a clear focus on gender diversity puts lenders in a better position to live up to the environmental, social and governance goals that investors increasingly demand. And it’s a category in which Nordic banks are already ahead, DBRS says.
“Nordic banks have certainly made significant progress in improving gender diversity, in part through actionable and measurable internal policies,” Elisabeth Rudman, head of the European financial institutions group at DBRS, said in an emailed response to questions. “Other European banks could learn from the actions they have taken.”