The body of 25-year-old Clifford H. Strickland, a U.S. Army technician fifth grade from Fowler in southeastern Colorado, was officially identified five years after being exhumed from a Philippine cemetery, where he and other POWs had been reburied as unknown soldiers following the end of the war.
The body of 25-year-old Clifford H. Strickland, a U.S. Army technician fifth grade from Fowler in southeastern Colorado, was officially identified five years after being exhumed from a Philippine cemetery, where he and other POWs had been reburied as unknown soldiers following the end of the war.
The body of 25-year-old Clifford H. Strickland, a U.S. Army technician fifth grade from Fowler in southeastern Colorado, was officially identified five years after being exhumed from a Philippine cemetery, where he and other POWs had been reburied as unknown soldiers following the end of the war.
The remains of 25-year-old Clifford H. Strickland, a U.S. Army technician 5th grade from Fowler in southeastern Colorado, will finally be returned home next month. He will be laid to rest in the same cemetery as his mother and father.