There's a lot of interest right now in how different microbiomes like the one made up of all the bacteria in our guts could be harnessed to boost human health and cure disease.
In a new Nature Communications study, researchers from BU s Microbiome Initiative discovered that providing microbial communities with a broader variety of food sources didn t increase the variety of microbial species within their experiments, but more food did fuel more microbial growth. The team s ultimate goal is to learn how to direct microbiome behavior through environmental molecules like food sources.
Richard B. Primack/Special to the Tab
Wildlife enthusiasts in Newton have reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic by staying local and turning up unusual sightings.
Officer Juan Garcia, the seasonal animal officer with the Newton Police, handles calls about wildlife problems in the city, mostly involving coyotes, foxes, deer and racoons.
“The call volume has increased this year as people are spending more time at home and walking in the woods.” he said.
Since the lockdown began in March, Max Chalfin-Jacobs, a Newton North senior from Newtonville, has observed 135 bird species in Cold Spring Park, about 30 percent of all the species known in Massachusetts.