The organization offers diagnostic services, autism screenings, parent training, education options, and community programs for all ages from preschoolers to adults ready to join the workforce.
This story mentions suicide ideation and child abuse. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 800-273-8255 and the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline can be reached at 1-888-767-2445.
Brent Jackson was diagnosed with autism 30 years ago. In the years since, he s resigned from a job in Ohio after 17 years of working there
because they didn t understand autism.
He later learned about the Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center and First Place,
residential housing in central Phoenix for people with autism
, through his sister-in-law, a Phoenix resident. Though the 36-year-old was initially hesitant about a cross-country move, he applied, was accepted and began the move to the First Place Transition Academy in 2017.