Competitive Power Ventures wants to build a second plant beside one it already operates in the Keasbey neighborhood, but residents say an environmental law.
<div class="at-above-post addthis tool" data-url=""></div>WOODBRIDGE, N.J. (AP) Residents of low-income communities in New Jersey that would get a second gas-fired power plant nearby are urging the governor to halt the project. They say it flies in the face of an environmental justice law he signed with great fanfare over two years ago but which has yet to take […]<! AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get the excerpt ><div class="at-below-post addthis tool" data-url="