WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The owner of the former Grange Hall property on Water Street is looking to develop more than 20 sustainable, energy-efficient homes with a quarter of the owner-occupied.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Voters will have a chance to weigh in on one issue before they even begin Tuesday's continued annual town meeting. The Comprehensive Plan Steering.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Town Manager Search Committee on Tuesday decided to aim for in-person interviews starting next week in a process officials hope could conclude as soon as the first.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The board of the town's Affordable Housing Trust agreed last week to contribute up to $30,000 toward the Planning Board's efforts to create a new comprehensive.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The panel charged with shepherding the town's new comprehensive plan discussed on Tuesday some of the elements that they want to see addressed in the state-mandated.