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Raphael Yadgaroff, 31, was reacting to being called in for questioning by police about an assault on Mr Galvin, 52, in June. Pictured: At Worcestershire magistrates today.
EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Galvin Jnr and Suzanna had been married since 2000 and they had been something of a golden couple, feted by high society and featuring in Hello magazine.
Announcing the latest roadmap to recovery, the Prime Minister also explained that from
29 March, outdoor gatherings of either 6 people or 2 households will be permitted, and as of 21 June, it is hoped that all legal limits on social contact can be removed.
The government s latest announcement has certainly been a welcome one with many UK residents taking to Twitter to share their excitement. Yay I feel like I m about 2 weeks away from having a mullet. Thankfully hairdressers reopen here soon, wrote one. Along with pubs and restaurants, hairdressers will be allowed to reopen! Yay! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Or at least scissors, tweeted another.