Ahead of the planned housing summit this Monday in the Chancellor s Office, the mood in the housing and real estate industry is conceivably bad. Industry associations attribute the fact that hardly.
The FDP wants to allow lower standards to boost housing construction and avert new state requirements for very economical buildings. Ahead of Monday s housing summit, liberal building experts Carina.
Frustration reigns among apartment hunters in major cities, but the outlook for improvement is bleak. High interest rates and costs, government requirements and a mood of crisis are putting the brakes.
Federal Construction Minister Klara Geywitz wants to reintroduce the right of first refusal for municipalities in tight housing markets, so-called milieu protection areas. The many municipalities.
Federal Construction Minister Klara Geywitz wants to use tax incentives to boost the struggling residential construction sector. In view of the dramatic slump in building permits and the associated.