Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE)-listed collective investment scheme National Investment Trust (Nitl) plc has moved to de-risk to grow its business and invest in more companies outside the 16-counter stock market. Nitl, whose objective is to provide both income and capital growth for investors, has largely invested in MSE-listed counters in banking, telecommunications, property, agriculture and
Nico Asset Managers has unveiled a three-year K26.7 million sponsorship for the National Schools Chess League. During presentation of the first tranche of K8.9 million to Chess Association of Malawi (Chessam) in Blantyre yesterday, the company's chief investment officer Daniel Dunga said the package for the final two years might be revised depending on performance.
People retire from their professional jobs but they should not retire from working, said financial analyst Jimmy Lipunga at a seminar on Tuesday when he delivered an inspiring retirement planning seminary at Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre. The seminar was hosted by Malawi’s leading financial services institution NICO Group with a theme of ‘Practical […]