Khomeini's fatwa was just as illegitimate in the traditional Islamic view as the attacks of 9/11 – both are vile products of modern fundamentalism. Daniel Bax comments
The man is a star in the Turkish-German community, German foreign minister Steinmeier's integration poster-boy – and has been suspected of Islamism. The R'n'B singer Muhabbet has just released his third album. By André Tucic
When men feel too much love: Turkish arabesque songs are climbing the German charts. Artists like Muhabbet or Mehmet & Murat are drumming up quite a following on the Internet. And the record companies are starting to knock on their doors. Daniel Bax reports
The recent elections for the European Parliament showed that, as elsewhere, political change is on the rise in the Netherlands as well. Right-wing populist and anti-Islamic camps are gaining a voice in government, posing a threat to democratic culture, warns Ayman Mazyek
In his book "Angst ums Abendland" (Fears For the West), taz journalist Daniel Bax presents a detailed examination of why contemporary Europe should not be afraid of Muslims, but of Islamophobes. A review by Emran Feroz