misdemeanor, what was it to what is the motion to do with this case? well all the cases are being charged as first degree misdemeanors under the tougher florida statute. one reason why that decision was made was because it has a mandatory 100 hours of community service. a mandatory $5,000 fine and a mandatory class on the dangers of constitution and human trafficking. not to mention, a potential for an increased jail sentence from 60 days to a year. multiple homes here and up in massachusetts, california, will he be given a summons. there was a question whether or not mr. kraft lived here in palm beach county and i believe we decided to, it was a summons, so he has a residence here, so he d be receive iing a summons. oh, the question is when you get a summons in the mail, generally do not get a mug shot. that s up to the police department. it s not up to us. it s up to the local law enforcement agency.
in the national security apparatus who have been in charge of the country s national security for the past decade who have come out and in no d their rejection. excuse me, to the floor. this is the robert kraft story where he could be chargedment this is the state s attorney in palm beach county. to commit prostitution. purr susuant to sections 797, 2d 5ai. this charge is a first degree misdemeanor. punishable by one year in jail. mandatory $5,000 fine. 100 hours of community service and a class on the dangers of constitution and human trafficking. we also expect to receive packets with two women who have been arrested by the police department for among other things, reports from the