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it is $500. now who is the elite? you noah lot about prostitution and pot. given these things are both illegal and we know nothing personally about them, right? no. right. what? get me out of this show. reality shows are making girls meaner. i understand you have a theory on this. yes. i believe reality shows are a worst case scenario situation. men love adventure, action, danger, things like that. our reality shows are ice road truckers and things like the fishing show, the dangerous fishing show. we look at that and we would like to picture ourselves in that situation, even though we will never put ourselves in that situation. healthy women like to watch unhealthy women reacting on television because that s a worst case scenario for them. they would like to picture what it would be like if they were in that situation even though they will not put
a lot of their agenda is more regulations and more rules. one of the petitions that blew my mind got something like 7,000 signatures and allows the seriously backlogs with their i-140 to approve i-45 and apply for fad and ap. that is a big sign. finally i was going to say something. here is the thing that didn t piss me off, but it made me chuckle. before i came to the show i went on twitter and they tweeted a commemoration of the first embedded reporter. it was their first report from occupy wall street. should you be using the word embedded? come on. that s ridiculous. they are not dodging bullets. they are dodging tramp feces. sometimes it is easier to
and this is from the show that sends out, what is it, the what is wrong with you? it is right here. it is the right wing group we always send in. you smoked pot from 18 to 25. i did. are you really going to hot air. i will skip all of that thanks to bill. bay the way, the best part of the occupy wall street thing, it is the chance it has given all of these young girn lists who missed out on the 60s to be a part of history. and bed. pab, i thought it was odd the palm beach were cited. i assume women are having a hard time finding jobs. i was just trying to make a stupid joke, but nobody
myself or punch or punch someone you watch two wives pulling a weave out of their hair and they are multimillionaires. it is rewarded every show. it is not reyarded because they are not rewarded because they are not happy. aren t they? who cares? have you seen snookie sober or otherwise with a dumb grin? she is happy all of the time. you were staring at her butt. we have to take a break on that up lifting note. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voicemail my direct line is simple, 212-462-5050. that s my direct line. and still to come, not really, the half time report from tv s andy levy, a jerk. tonight s half time report is sponsored by sled dogs, the highly trained canines used to pull a vehicle over snow or ice by means of lines and harnesses. thanks, sled dogs. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.