As a kid living in Washington, I remember a rancher who had bison on his property. That was my first recollection of a wild animal being kept as a pet.
Keeping a bison seems to be legal but it got me curious on what other animals could be illegal to own in the Tri-Cities.
I did a quick search and I was amazed on how many wild animals can t be legally be kept as a pet in the Tri-Cities.
I did a quick search at the Washington State Department of Agriculture and discovered that four laws prevent you from owning several potentially dangerous animals.
By Zuri Anderson
Feb 25, 2021
People have owned exotic pets from small monkeys to big cats throughout history, but in the modern day, some animals may not be suitable as household companions.
Every state has its own laws regulating the ownership specific wildlife. They can also have exceptions or permit requirements when it comes to having an exotic pet. Generally, these laws are in place to protect the general public from inherently dangerous animals.
Some have banned the usual suspects as pets (bears, lions, tigers, etc.) while others have banned more obscure creatures. In Alabama for example, it s illegal to own mongooses as pets. What about Washington?