the state supreme court. and yesterday, the tennessee three faced expulsion votes fo daring to demand action afte six more children and school staff were shot to death wit an assault rifle at th nashville elementary schoo last week. a political debacle that turne into a fire storm last night after the nearly all white republican super majority vote to expel the two black lawmakers, but not the white lawmaker both president biden and forme president obama spoke out afte the traumatic speeches by stat representatives justin jones and justin pearson today, vice president harris flew international to respon to the ongoing protests agains gun violence and the expulsion of the black representatives that is where we had planned t start tonight. and we will have much more o tennessee coming up. but just after 5 pm texas time a trump-appointed federal judg ruled to suspend the fda s approval of the abortion pil mifepristone, siding wit anti-abortion groups in a case that could end up
that turned into a fire stor last night, after the nearly all white republican super majority voted to expel the tw black lawmakers but not th white lawmaker, both president biden and former president obama spoke out after th dramatic speeches, by stat representatives, justin jones, and just in person today, vice president harris flew into nashville to respond to the ongoing protests agains gun violence and the expulsion of the black representatives that is where we had planned t start tonight. and we will have much more o tennessee coming up. but just after 5 pm texas time a trump-appointed federal judg ruled to suspend the fda s approval of the abortion pil mifepristone, siding wit anti-abortion groups in a case that could end up up and acces to medication abortion in al 50 states. that s right in all of 50 states, even in states where abortion is legal the ruling will not go int effect for seven days. and just in the last hour, the justice department filed notic that it wo
manhattan d.a. alvin bragg taking legal action agains republican jim jordan, and president biden s latest comments on his plans for 2024 let s take a look at some of the week s top stories the manhattan district attorne leading the prosecution of donald trump is now suing a to house republican alvin bragg filed the lawsui against judiciary committe chairman jim jordan yesterda in response to what bragg call a brazen and unconstitutiona attack by members of congres on an ongoing criminal prosecution. bragg has come under increased scrutiny to put it mildly by the ohio republican since it became lightly that the former president would be charged i new york city. calling on the game solved t testify before congress, jorda issued a subpoena last week, ordering a former prosecutor i the case to appear before th judiciary committee. in the new lawsuit, the de asked a court to block tha subpoena, arguing that it coul cause irreparable harm to th case if certain secret materia is dis
republican-led house voted t expel pearson and fellow representative justin jones, both democrats, after they broke house rules whil protesting gun laws. this is what democracy look like surrounded by a crowd o hundreds, both lawmakers gathered at the national civil rights museum before marchin with supporters to fill th commission chamber what does it say to you tha so many people are supportin you? justice happened in the state of tennessee today republicans say the expulsion was fair punishmen for violating house decorum, speaking into bullhorns on the house floor. critics say it sets a dangerou precedent. a group of senate democrats ar calling on the justice department to determine whethe that expulsion violated th constitution or federal civi rights, writing, unless the do steps in, anti democrati actors will only be emboldened blaine alexander reportin for us from tennessee. eugene again goals, in les than a week, you have both o the justin s reinstated to
and has been proven to be safe for 20 years so, this is a dangerou precedent. and i will have more to say at in its entirety. thank you. and leading off our discussion tonight is michel goodwin, chancellors professor of law at the university o california, irvine, and visiting professor at harvar law. she is the author of policin the womb, invisible women an the criminalization of motherhood and dr. jamila perritt, an ob/gyn and abortion provider she s also president and ceo o physicians for reproductiv health thank you both very much for coming to the last word. professor michele goodwin, there s even more news on th abortion ruling tonight, les than an hour after judge has merrick s ruling a judge in washington stat issued a ruling that directl contradicted the judge decision -