Hello Hello Hello!My friend Steve Kitchen recommended me a band from Wales called Cartoon Violence from Wales and that inspired the first block of music with their song Who You Know and SuperHITs by Buster Shuffle, Wonk Unit and Madness.And then I previewed a show happening at Red Gate this Friday featuring The Greatest Sons, Contra Code, Campfire Shitkickers, Indication and Sinking Season from Seattle, WA.Heart Attack ManThoughtz & PrayerzLeap YearCartoon ViolenceTit For TatWho You KnowBuster ShuffleDo NothingBrothers and SistersWonk UnitFlying The Japanese FlagGirlfriend Is a LunaticMadnessThe Dangermen Sessions Vol. 1John JonesThe Greatest SonsWhen the Music Will EndWith My GuitarContra CodeFriday JuniorNo Friends HereCampfire ShitkickersParole ModelsFor All the DickheadsIndicationsIndicationsDrunk on ChablisSinking SeasonThe WolvesLeftSum 4113 VoicesWar