Completed in 2013 in Viladecavalls, Spain. Images by Aitor Estévez. This house is located in a recently developed residential area that, as a result of the economic crisis experienced in Spain, is today the only house.
Completed in 2017 in , Mexico. Images by Luis Gallardo / LGM Studio, Juan Benavides. This Community Cultural Center exhibits the archeological and textile wealth of Teotitlán del Valle, a village in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. The.
Completed in 2018 in Panamá, Panama. Images by Fernando Alda. STEPS is a dance academy based in Panama City since 1986. It is located in an industrial warehouse that has been transformed to house several.
Completed in 2018 in Panamá, Panama. Images by Fernando Alda. La Moderna is a mixed-use building built in 1962 on one of the main avenues of the Old Town of Panama City. The building has a modernist influence.
Completed in 2018 in Panamá, Panama. Images by Fernando Alda. Diablo Rosso is a creative think tank and art gallery established in 2006 and based in Panama City. Since its birth, SKETCH and Diablo Rosso have.