How many of the capital cities of the world could you recite without help? 30? 50 maybe? 100 at a push? What about all 196?
A Dubai-based three-year-old girl has learnt to recite all 196 capital cities of the world by heart, at an age when many children are still just learning to talk.
Little Kaadambare Mahesh, whose family hails from Chennai, India, was taught to pronounce and recall the names of all of the world’s capitals by her mother, Divya Sornam, and father, Mahesh Krishnan K.P.N., as a way to keep her busy and engaged during the pandemic.
“It all started as an experiment where we asked her to name a few capital cities a day, but within a matter of two to three months our daughter was able to do them all,” her father Mahesh told Gulf News.