After a highly successful inaugural season playing music to audiences hungry for live performances, the Bluewater Chamber Players – a group featuring a number…
Late last fall, after nearly two years of almost no live music performances, a dynamic group of classically-trained local musicians decided to come together to…
Tara Jeffrey Students at two elementary schools have formed their own ‘gang of rhythm’ to catch the attention of a popular Canadian band. “We were talking about concerts in music class, and I said to the kids, ‘Do you know who’s coming to Sarnia? Walk Off The Earth!” said Vanessa Mina, an early childhood educator. Read more »
A group of classically-trained musicians will be host to a diverse and engaging concert at the Sarnia Public Library Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 27, with proceeds…
A group of classically-trained musicians will be host to a diverse and engaging concert at the Sarnia Public Library Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 27, with proceeds…