This memo contains the thoughts and recountings of events that
transpired during and after the release of information about the United States National Security Agency (NSA)
by Edward Snowden in 2013. There are four perspectives: that of someone
who was involved with sifting through the information to responsibly
inform the public, that of a security area director of the IETF, that of a human
rights expert, and that of a computer science and affiliate law professor. The purpose
of this memo is to provide some historical perspective, while at the
same time offering a view as to what security and privacy challenges
the technical community should consider. These essays do not represent a consensus view, but that of the individual authors.
This memo contains the thoughts and recountings of events that
transpired during and after the release of information about the NSA
by Edward Snowden. There are four perspectives: that of someone
who was involved with sifting through the information to responsibly
inform the public, a security area director of the IETF, a human
rights expert, and of a computer science and law expert. The purpose
of this memo is to provide some historical perspective, while at the
same time offering a view as to what security and privacy challenges
the technical community should consider.
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Congress is demanding the National Security Agency come clean on what it knows about the 2015 supply-chain attack against Juniper Networks.
Members of Congress are demanding the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what it knows about the 2015 Juniper Networks supply-chain delivery breach. In a letter sent by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden and nine additional members of Congress, the lawmakers demand a full account of the NSA-designed encryption algorithm compromised in 2015.
Sparking the inquest is the massive SolarWinds supply-chain attack. In their letter sent last week to the NSA, lawmakers suggest the spy agency is lacking effective oversight of software supply-chains relied upon by the U.S. government and private industry.