one of them being dance casino last night, attorney general merrick garland do your job, it s quite a striking moment. what did you mean by that? this is not the first time that the committee s come together, and referred contempt charges, it s been about three months since we are for those charges relative to mark meadows. you know, there is a constitutional duty to appear before a subpoena in congress. and, mr. meadows has claimed executive privilege, and all these other things, as has dan scavino another s. the truth is, there s a process for that. we have to come before the committee, you have to legitimately lay out those items that they believe are covered by privilege. and the committee will consider those things one by one. but just not appearing, and just essentially rejecting, or ignoring a subpoena from congress, it s against the law. that s why we were for contempt arduous, the department of justice did move for bannon, but they ve been intransigent, they haven t moved ye