After being put on hold for the past three years due to the pandemic, visitors poured into Lake Metroparks Farmpark at 8800 Euclid-Chardon Road in Kirtland on Sept. 16 to see the return of the Village Peddler Festival.
Betsy Smith joins the Right Question Institute as executive director
The Cambridge-based Right Question Institute, or RQI, announced that Betsy Smith has joined the organization as executive director.
Smith brings more than 30 years of experience as a nonprofit director and educator and will take over executive leadership from Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana, RQI’s co-founders and long-time co-directors. Though stepping down from their executive roles, Rothstein and Santana will remain at RQI as co-directors of the institute’s Democracy-Building Program.
Prior to joining RQI, Smith spent 14 years as executive director and president of EqualityMaine, a LGBTQ advocacy organization, where she helped lead successful statewide campaigns for marriage equality and non-discrimination protections. She previously served as executive director of the Boston-based Citizens for Participation in Political Action (CPPAX). In addition, Smith has worked