“Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you.” Alan Alda
I will enter conversations open to learning and willing to adapt (if it suit my behavior?).
The way I see things is ONE way of seeing them (A single way, with option to retract in the other direction?).
I’m willing to change my perspective (Not matching the Silent Majority “common sense”?).
My need to be right makes me stupid (As long as you are doing the right thing?).
Daniel Kahneman:
“Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it” Daniel Kahneman (For how long to think about it to make it
The Globe and Mail Published December 12, 2020 Bookmark
The theme I have heard most from managers this year is the difficulty of building trust with staff during a period of uncertainty. Subordinates crave certainty – or seem to – but managers can’t deliver when the future is murky and everything can change so quickly. They fear that it erodes trust, since managers look less than honest, holding things back. Of course, if they had built more trust in the past, the situation today might be less awkward.
Trust is abstract and how to build it can seem confusing, even bewildering. Too often we assume trust flows from competence, says Jordan Berman, a vice-president at the Canadian pharmaceutical company Apotex and author of the recent book