brianna keilar in washington, thanks. outfront tonight, spokesperson for hillary clinton s campaign and dan phifer and jonathan alan and co-author of hrc state secrets and the rebirth of hillary clinton,. mo, you have an apology from clinton and you have the sinking poll numbers and joe biden generating the excitement, frankly, that she isot. is hillary clinton s campaign in trouble? i think trouble is maybe a little strong of a word at this point. i think there are definitely some warning signs and red flags that are going up around campaign headquarters in brooklyn now. anyone that thought she would coast to the nomination doesn t understand democratic primary politics. she was going to have to work for it. i think the most alarming thing is not necessarily the head-to-head numbers but the erosion of trust numbers in some
of these polls and so that s what they have to focus on. trust numbers go to the e-mail issue there. dan, lots of echoes here of 2008. you have the campaign staff, you have difficulty connecting personally and warmly with voters, you were on the obama campaign in 2008. in your view is hillary clinton repeating the same mistakes of eight years ago? look, i think she is. this is a tough summer for her and taken several attempts to get the right tone. i think she probably did it tonight in the interview but i don t think she s making the fundamental mistake of 2008. they took their eye off the ball and weren t doing the blocking and tackling of campaigns, organizeri organizering voters. one thing her campaign is doing well is focussing on building the organizations that will win you iowa and new hampshire and she has a tough fight. they hired the right people and smart people, i think they can get out of this. they have work to do but i think they have the right long-term
somebody waiting in the wings and i think biden looks attractive to some democrats. mo, i have to ask you, you do see the campaign rebooting here and you see some reflected, stronger words going further than the candidate has gone to this point. is there genuine worry inside clinton s circle they got to get a handle on this and turn things around? yeah, i think jonathan s point that their democrats are worried about an implosion is over stated. i was working for bill bradley started to surge in the polls. the gore people realized they had to do things differently. they changed their strategy a little bit and gore came back, won and a much stronger candidate. in 2008, hillary clinton had her back up against the wall against barack obama, changed the strategy a little bit and actually came on at the end very strong, dan will remember this.
we won more states and more delegates and more votes. it was a little late. so the fact that they are seeing some signals now and making some changes and making some adjustments and focussing on the ground game that dan just mentioned, i think that is, this is the right time to do it. to be fair, it is early. dan, i want to ask you, bill clinton asked to fill in the fact for hillary clinton at this fundraiser in chicago to give her more time to get down on the campaign trail in new hampshire, but we know from experience that there are dangers in that. you ll hear from a lot of democratic party operatives yes, you want them involved but scripted. he has in the past said things that have been damaging including during the 2008 campaign. in your view, dan, is this right to call him in in this role? look, there is no more valuable resource than the campaigning candidate time. hillary clinton cannot be in iowa and raising money in chicago. if you have an incredible
in 2000 al gore distanced himself and that turned out to be a mistake but in 2008 in the general election and 2012 in the general election, bill clinton was a great suone. if hillary clinton can figure out how to get her husband to do that and stay on script is a big asset. we ll be watching. jonathan, dan and mo, thanks for joining us tonight. take care. outfront next donald trump ridiculing bush as bush apeepea on late night television. plus kentucky clerk kim davis freed to a huge rally but is she going back behind bars and just released, a chilling 911 call, a mother begging for help in what hay have been the ultimate betrayal by her children. they tried to attack us. they beat me up. they beat him up. they trying to kill us.