Do you swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge . Thank you. Item c, approval of minutes. Discussion or possible action to adopt the meetings for the meeting held october 18, 2017. Is there a motion to approve the minutes . Move to approve. A second . Second. Theres a motion and second. Any Public Comment on the minutes . Are all commissioners in favor . Aye. Minutes are approved. Next item is item d continued appeals order of abatement, 6836, 221 11th street. Don ramon real estate llc. Leonila ramirez, reverse order of abatement. Just for the record, wanted to let everyone know the department will present its case first. The department has seven minutes, the apelant has seven minutes and then Public Comment for three minutes and each side has three minutes for rebuttal. Department, come forward. At this time well just do the order differently. Well have the apelant come forward if theyre ready. You can go ahead. Good morning commissioners, i
Raise your right hand . Do you swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge . Thank you. Item c, approval of minutes. Discussion or possible action to adopt the meetings for the meeting held october 18, 2017. Is there a motion to approve the minutes . Move to approve. A second . Second. Theres a motion and second. Any Public Comment on the minutes . Are all commissioners in favor . Aye. Minutes are approved. Next item is item d continued appeals order of abatement, 6836, 221 11th street. Don ramon real estate llc. Leonila ramirez, reverse order of abatement. Just for the record, wanted to let everyone know the department will present its case first. The department has seven minutes, the apelant has seven minutes and then Public Comment for three minutes and each side has three minutes for rebuttal. Department, come forward. At this time well just do the order differently. Well have the apelant come forward if theyre ready. You can go ahead. Good
Electronic devices. The first item on the agenda is roll call. [roll call taken] we have a quorum. Next item is item b, the oath. Will all parties giving testimony before this board today please stand and raise your right hand . We need you to stand. Thank you so much. We need you to stand. [oath is given] thank you, you may be seated. Item c, approval of minutes. Discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for meeting held on november 15, 2017. Is there a motion to approve the minutes . Motion to approve. Second. Motion and a second. Any Public Comment . Ok. Seeing none, all commissioners in favor . Aye. Opposed . Ok, minutes are approved. Item d, new appeals or abatement. Case number 6839, 132 apollo street, owner of record and appellant, chow ko sang, and informational for the members here, the staff presents their case first and has seven minutes. Then the appealant has seven minutes, and Public Comment for three minutes each and each side has three minutes for rebuttal. Wo
The Initiative Liability and complete deduction for the projects demanding timeline. And nominated by james zahn and dbi supervisor mechanical Planning Engineer who noted they had been twice as productive as other engineers in turning around electrical plan reviews required on Major Construction projects in quarter four and is exceeding the departments strategic goal target. And the commission extends the enthusiastic congratulations on the outstanding performance in quarter three and four. With that, we have one more. Finally, the Employee Recognition committee has select ed Kevin Edwards as dbis employee of the year for 2017. Well done, kevin. Kevin was the winner of the employee of the quart er and meeting staff and customer staff request for data and reporting. In short, kevin is the goto guy with dbi mis group which sun suddenly requires an accurate statistic on dbi programs and permits. When the committee considered the quarterly winners this year, they selected kevins performanc
Complaint response within 24 to 72 hours, 354. Complaints with notice of violations issues, 142. Abated complaints with notice of violations 319. Number of cases sent to directors hearings were 20. Routine inspections were 157. For the Code Enforcement services, number of cases sent to directors hearing, 72. Number, order of abatements issued, 24. Number of cases under advisement, 11. Number of cases abated, 49. Number of cases referred to the litigation committee, is two. Thank you. Mr. Lowry, just on the accessible business Interest Program which is now kind of starting to build for us. I would not mind in the presentation maybe in february we could have some thoughts on that at some point later on, i know its 4 to 6year program here, but how we are going to deal with a notice of violations on that. If somebody doesnt apply, or doesnt seek out the, to ratify and what is the tenant or the landlord. Maybe an accessibility section. I think we need to keep it separate. My first reaction,