The new show at St. Ambrose University this month brings together a special collection of people on and off stage. “title of show” is a one-act musical (its area premiere was this summer at Moline’s Black Box Theatre) about two nobodies named Hunter and Jeff who decide to write a completely original musical starring themselves […]
Glenwood Lake has long been known for fishing and boating, but years worth of silt are turning sections of it into a shallow pond. The Green Valley-Glenwood Public Service District
PRINCETON — Draining a lake, dredging up decades-worth of sediment and organizing some fishing tournaments are all part of a long-term plan for restoring Mercer County’s earthen dams.
PRINCETON — A thick mat of living green covering part of Glenwood Lake has become a new challenge as Mercer County works to improve the overal offerings of Glenwood Recreational
PRINCETON — A thick mat of living green covering part of Glenwood Lake has become a new challenge as Mercer County works to improve the overall offerings of Glenwood Recreational