I highly recommend Dan Gookin to be re-elected to the Coeur d’Alene City Council. Dan has worked hard over the years to save tax dollars for us. I live downtown and see the price of housing go up and our property taxes go up. Dan is the one constant on the City Council that causes every dollar being spent to be justified and worth while.
“DART’s recommendations are closely aligned with CEQEC, NDOC and other community groups that are interested in qualified, reasonable, nonpartisan leadership of our local institutions. It seems clear who the preferred candidates are in many of these contested races and their interest in serving the entire community without any partisan or ideological influence,” said Palagi. “The consensus is striking and important for voters to consider."
In 2011, Dan Gookin joined the Coeur d’Alene City Council and has been a voice to reckon with ever since. He is a fiscal hawk, a deep thinker, and a small government bulldog. His goal of representing all the citizens of our city has not waivered.