this could be a different reporting. ner looking at doctors looking at x rays. we talked about it. is it an accurate number we are getting? when healthy people get it and you can t the coronavirus from necessarily the flu or a cold. you don t know this doesn t give me or feel real good, the w.h.o. was apiecing chiapiec appeasing china. they said don t worry about it looking at the treasury market 10-year was back a little pressure there to yield back below 1.581%. pepsico is just out with quarterly earnings came in at $1.45 i share revenue better than the street expected $20.6 billion. grew by 4.3% better than anticipated. the company said it sees 7% earnings growth this year. if you are looking at numbers, if you go from 5.53. the street was looking for 5.95. they say the number they are expecting is 5.88 which is going to be looking for about 1 percentage point decline from forth exchange based on current rates. organic revenue they are expecting for 2020 at 4% below
Out a couple of areas, trade and criminal Justice Reform that he wants to get done and hammer those things out during his last years president. They focused on his tone. I did not notice him getting frustrated with the reporters. Angela even when the cell phone went off. He made a joke about it. Was thata good mood or part of the strategy . He is heading off on two weeks of vacation so why is he not in a good mood so he did acknowledge town directly. He talked about how the fighter against Islamic State will be a long one. We should not expect any quick victory. He acknowledged that in the past when he has taken credit for victory or said there is in regaining territory. He said he knows there will be a step forward and outward. He softened his tone on been progresshas against the Islamic State. Tone was at the front of his mind as he spoke today. His ongoing about sevenyear effort to close Guantanamo Bay. Housems of what the white s attitude, he expressed optimism. He will not assume