So much of our contributed content – and even our staff-written features – over the past few years have been focused on open architecture initiatives and modular open systems approach (MOSA) initiatives like the Sensor Open Sensor Systems Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard. We even produce an annual full-sized magazine on SOSA, as well as an issue covering the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE). But for the last decade our coverage has often been dominated by the twin topics of obsolescence and supply chain, both of which we cover in this issue.
Military and aerospace supply chains are facing greater challenges than ever before, as systems in these arenas require longer development times and have longer production life cycles than any other industry. The industry must work to overcome such obstacles as component obsolescence in aging systems, prioritization of funding for long-term procurement and maintenance, coordination on the timing of and transition to newer systems, and lengthened budget cycles.