And seniors are very hostile and the chairman of the Republican National committee attacked him the fix day for this assault on seniors. So i mean both sides do this. They say we want these cuts in general but when you get specific about it its very, very hard to do. Rose because of bad politics. Its bad politics to do something that people dont like. And they like medicare. People like medicare and they like Social Security. Right. One of the interesting intellectual things occurring is that the opponents of the Affordable Care act use the eye didnt call argument that was used against medicare and Social Security. Its socialism, its socialized medicine. And yet not one of the o uponants certainly in the congress would ever dare to stand up and say lets repeal Social Security. Lets repeal medicare. So i think one of the fears is that the Affordable Care act might work. And then enter the same hollowed status as both Social Security and medicare have in the american but there is an alte
Frederick coke is the oldest and this is really the tale of a historic industrial dynasty. I thought in the 2010, 2011 time frame you see charles coke a caricature of who these guys were. And once i started to peel back the layers of that a little bit look into their family background i said, wow, this is a really politics may be thats the least interesting thing about this family. In my mind i see them in the mold of the rocker fellers and the carnegies in the sense that their legacy will extend in so many ways beyond our lifetime. Are they alive . Yes. I want to show the cover of the book and ask you a little bit about each one of the four. An as we look at the book cover we see fred who is 80yearold born august 6, 1933. What you can say . He was the eldest and not interested in the family business. He has been a patron of the arts and he spent a lot of his life rehabilitating a series Historic Homes around the world including this former wall worth mention and he was kind enough to
Former gm lobbyist being elected in november to succeed him. Dingell was ranking democrat until he was ousted in 2008. He is known for his quick questions. He earned a nickname, the truck, for his stature and style wielding the chairmans gavel. The committee has wide ranging jurisdiction. He has authored laws on clean air, endangered species, and health insurance, including shepherding through the Affordable Care act. In spite of passing environmental legislation, dingell has a reputation as an ally of the Auto Industry and its main union that has led them to fight attempts to strengthen environmental regulations for cars. He has watched Congress Since he was a child at his fathers knee and serving as a house page in the 1940s. We invited him to the press club to give a farewell speech. Mr. Dingell said hes not done working or governing yet. Hes here today to speak to us about when congress worked. Please help me give a warm National Press club welcome to congressman john dingell for h
Adults. The search for support and the worry for parents. Can he make it on his own . Our children will live 75 of their lifetime as adults, and much of that time is without us. Our job is to help those children reach maximum independence. Our next job after that is to learn the art of letting go. Good evening. Thanks for being with us. Ijoie chen. Shots were fired although the faceoff in has not reached full scale battle but the war of words between Vladimir Putin and secretary of state john kerry racheted up as both sides held a firm line over the crisis in ukraine. Both sides delivered a competing view of the realities on the ground following the he said he said line of debate over the crisis in ukraine, here is america tonight correspondent sheila mcvicker. From the broadest strokes down to the details from moscow to washington, the tale of what happened in ukraine and continues to happen now is a tale of two wildly different views of reality. Take the street protests and bloody ba
[ music ] entrails hey, good morning hey good morning, everybody. Off we go with the fullcourt press on current tv coming to you live across this great land of ours on our studio in washington, d. C. , and what about this . Here is some good news you wont hear anywhere else. The market is red hot. Yes, the dow closed yesterday at 13,954, almost 14,000. Thats a level we havent seen since october, 2007. And, of course, the republicans are always quick to blame president obama when the market goes down. Do you think they are going to give president obama credit . Do you think they are going to thank him when the market goes up, up, up . Of course not. We will tell you why. We will talk about that and awhole lot more, with the latest, todays current news update in los angeles, here is Lisa Ferguson. Good morning, lisa. Hey bill. Good morning, everyone. Here is whats on the president s schedule today. First up, he is having lunch with Hillary Clinton in the private dining room at the whiteh