front offices, cutting those administrative functions, does affect front line operations at the end of the day. . the secretary and her staff have to run the day-to-day operations, adequate staff support. the officers are already operating on fumes. this additional cut would do great damage. so, this is an amendment that i believe despite the offerer of the amendment has good intentions and his critique of certain departmental operations, the amendment is overly broad and would do damage. mr. dicks: i associate myself with the gentleman s comments and the chairman s comments on this amendment. this is we are talking about homeland security. and we have been hit before. and we can t have a meat-ax approach. and we have to have the same kind of discipline on our side. i suggest in good faith to the gentleman from colorado, if you ve got all these reports and all these things about various programs that aren t functioning, offer amendments on each of those programs and then we