Your host meghan lee heres a look at 2 more of todays stories. And its high end photographer creates the stars Favorite Foods in still likes. And roving reporter hendrick battling checks out the worlds highest church spire. But 1st in the spirit of the womens soccer world cup underway in france right now we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most successful freestyle footballers ever mother di da shape from france has won the freestyle World Championship title 4 times well unfortunately injury forced an early end to her soccer career but still she has proven that she can hold her own in this male dominated sport. Coordination both control and balance it seems middleby dont she from paris has it all shes one of the worlds best football freestylers genesis i like freestyle because its a very free sport without rules about well its an art a mix of football basketball and dunce. A knee injury put an end to her professional soccer career over 10 years ago mid
But 1st in the spirit of the womens soccer world cup underway in france right now we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most successful freestyle footballers ever mother he shaped from france has won the freestyle World Championship title 4 times well unfortunately injury forced an early end to her soccer career but still she has proven that she can hold her own in this male dominated sport. Coordination full control and balance it seems middleby dont shave from paris has it all shes one of the worlds best football freestylers genesis i like freestyle because its a very free sport without rules above all its an art a mix of football basketball and dance. A knee injury put an end to her professional soccer career over 10 years ago middle east date on the transitioning smoothly to free style along with speed and Energy Technique is paramount and she quickly miles deceiving complex tricks to explain my favorite tricks called use of the stall. It goes like t
Meet your host meghan lee heres a look at 2 more of todays stories. And its high end photographer creates the stars favorite fruit in still life. And a roving reporter hendrick battling checks out the worlds highest church spire. But 1st in the spirit of the womens soccer world cup underway in france right now we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most successful freestyle footballers ever mother he dont shake from france has won the freestyle World Championship title 4 times well unfortunately injury forced an early end to her soccer career but still she has proven that she can hold her own in this male dominated sport. Coordination both control and balance it seems middleby dont shave from paris has it all shes one of the worlds best football freestylers genesis i like freestyle because its a very free sport without rules above all its an art a mix of football basketball and downs. A knee injury put an end to her professional soccer career over 10 year
And we will be finding out more about melody and why shes so fit coming up later on in the show i ever want to welcome to another exciting edition of euro max with meet your host meghan lee heres a look at 2 more of todays stories. And its high end photographer creates the stars favorite fruit in still life. And a roving reporter hendrick belling checks out the worlds highest church spire. But 1st in the spirit of the womens soccer world cup underway in france right now we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most successful freestyle footballers ever mody doll shape from france has won the freestyle World Championship title 4 times well unfortunately injury forced an early end to her soccer career but still she has proven that she can hold her own in this male dominated sport. Coordination full control and balance it seems middleby dont she from paris has it all shes one of the worlds best football freestylers hitters because i like freestyle because its
With meet your host meghan lee heres a look at 2 more of todays stories. And time photographer creates the stars Favorite Foods in still likes. And a roving reporter and rebelling checks out the worlds highest church spire. But 1st in the spirit of the womens soccer world cup underway in france right now we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to one of the most successful freestyle footballers ever mother he dont shake from france has won the freestyle World Championship title 4 times well unfortunately injury forced an early end to her soccer career but still she has proven that she can hold her own in this male dominated sport. Coordination both controlled and balance it seems middleby dont shave from paris has it all shes one of the worlds best football freestylers jennifer style likes freestyle because its a very free sport without rules above all its a not a mix of football basketball and downs. A knee injury put an end to her professional soccer career over 10 ye