The Virginia Corbett Home Team includes 16 agents and five staffers. The team's move to eXp comes as brokerages across the U.S. compete for top talent.
Despite a history of fraud, one family has thrived in the regulatory no man’s land of health care sharing ministries, where insurance commissioners can’t investigate, federal agencies turn a blind eye and prosecutors reach paltry settlements
This story first appeared at ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories…
Despite a history of fraud, one family has thrived in the regulatory no man’s land of health care sharing ministries, where insurance commissioners can’t investigate, federal agencies turn a blind eye and prosecutors reach paltry settlements.
As if that wasn’t enough, the media want to hit celebrity replay: In “Losing Your Virginity,” John Stamos (“Full House”) interviewed celebrities about their “first time.” While he wants to avoid graphic content in his Yahoo! webseries, Stamos confessed, We re going to do re-enactments (of celebrity first sexual experiences) with puppets, Barbies, animation. Stamos explained, “Everybody wants to say, ‘Hey, I’m just like you.’ So losing your virginity how much more can you relate to somebody?”
4. … Into Incredibly Happy Butterflies And the stars love the recognition. According to Girls’ Lena Dunham, losing virginity is as simple as voting: “Your first time shouldn t be with just anybody. You wanna do it with a great guy. It should be with a guy with beautiful someone who really cares and understands women. A guy who cares whether you get health insurance, specifically whether you get birth control.”