The final designs fall under three categories: professional, resident and student applications. There are three different designs under each of the categories, with nine final designs in total.
what happens was in the interim eight or ten southern states entered into what they call the southern compact. it was an agreement that each state would allow blacks to come to their colored professional school that they happened to have. if north carolina had a veterinarian school all of the other states denied blacks to go in to the white veterinarian school but was satisfy separate but equal by sending them to north carolina. or the medical schools, the nursing school was meharry. it s esther s case the whole southern compact was knocked out, not just for the school of nursing. i mean she is the first desegregation by court order beyond a law school because they had construed the mary case and there s a supreme court decision out of missouri just dealing with law school. we want to talk about who s case began opening up education broadly beyond law school, this is the person right here. please do. i didn t expect to say anything. this happened in such an unusual manner.