Establishing an oversight process, and allowing for the transferring of its operating license if the Company Fails to meet those requirement requirements. We want to see a plan in place for that as well. Weve always wanted investments by pg e to come back and build a more resilient system and microgrid. And make sure that Design Standards of the system are gonna withstand the next wind storm on a low humidity, windy day that we will inevitably have. I do think time is of the essence Going Forward to make sure that we not only have the utility that we need but people who have been harmed are made whole. The utility said we welcome feedback from all of our stakeholders and will continue to work diligently in the coming days. Pg e has until tuesday to give its response to the governor. We all know that we cant trust pg e to do the right thing or even follow the law. We need to see systemic change. Our coverage on this story conditions on ktvu dm. A chance sixhour standoff involving a Home