clinton fly eat? well, it s interesting. he te when they firsest foundn that the lantern fly, they thought that it was only the trees owerf haven that were being attacked. , they foundr time ou at that they re actually attacking grapes and particularlyicularly wine g, and they ve caused something like fifty million in damagen dn pennsylvania. and now there are statementss saying that these flieofs aremsa attacking all kinds of fruit,, which the research seemsbu a little bit mixed. but as far as how big ofright? a problem this is , it s rea a problem as old as time, ll right. it s human s and and i don t think it s really ga that big of an issue on on a global scale. wait, they re attacking wine grapes. so this is another group of immigrants the people of martha s vineyard don t want heregrants t at. ants i don t think anybody wants them here. you know, and i m talking grades, of course, because they are. yeah, they are causing damage tu to two vineyardsgh and all throughou