he s in the public eye. he had some of the most famous extra-marital affairs in new york history, as a 13 or 14-year-old, i knew all about his marital life growing up in new york city. it was on the front page of the tabloids. but this goes to the lengths they were willing to go to to suppress it and what lengths they would go to. let s remember that donald actively pursued the wives of a number of people he did business with. he would invite women to their office and then get husbands on the phone to talk about their dalliances as part of his rather unusual seduction technique. and some of those women are very concerned about what may come out of that vault and it is almost certain, if we had a complete record of donald s dalliances and his payoffs to keep them quiet workers turn up abortions. that would raise real serious problems with a portion of his base who are absolutely adamant about that issue.
journal. he called on the russians to find the e-mails. just listen to that again. russia, i hope you can find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. just moments ago, john brennan writes of that moment such a public call, makes you wander what he encouraged his advisors to do privately. thanks to the open and free mess, many more highly suspicious dalliances and he goes on to say that the president s claims are hogwash. what is your assessment? she he is expressing an
the unmanned tomahawk missile was the pentagon s weapon of choice for the surprise aerial attacks, aimed at sending a pointed message to accused terrorist kingpin osama bin laden. america has battled terrorism for many years. we have quietly disrupted terrorist groups and foiled their plots. but there have been and will be times when our very national security is challenged. and when we must take extraordinary steps to protect the safety of our citizens. within minutes of today s attacks in afghanistan and sudan, some in washington were openly questioning the timing of it. it was the wag the dog question about the movie where a president fakes a war to distract the country from news of his sexual dalliances. there are a quite a few people who believe that clinton is trying to distract americans with a shiny object from what really matters which is his impeachment trouble for the remainder of his time in office. he wouldn t authorize attacks unless the information was
president fakes a war to distract the country from news of his sexual dalliances. there are a quite a few people who believe that clinton is trying to distract americans with a shiny object from what really matters which is his impeachment trouble for the remainder of his time in office. he wouldn t authorize attacks unless the information was absolutely perfect because he anticipated that criticism. we came within yards literally of taking out osama bin laden himself. and he got away, obviously. well, by you know, happenstance, luck. bin laden, at war with the united states every second of every day. according to counter-terrorism officials who tell nbc news his terror network now operates in 50 countries, training camps in 20. we had entered a different era. you have an enemy that is completely amorphous. they can be in yemen, they can be in saudi arabia, they can be in paris and london. in paris and london. they can be everywhere. wait, i have something for you! ever