As students and teachers start back to school, Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Department of Public Safety have launched a public service announcement campaign promoting the new iWatchTexas community reporting system. The video below features Walker, Texas Ranger star Chuck Norris and is airing on television markets across the Lone Star State.
Bowie County recently applied to the Texas Secretary of State for permission to do Countywide Voting on Election Day, that application has been approved. The application was submitted on July 13, 2022, and received word of approval on Friday, August 12.
Everything is BIG in TEXAS, heck we know that already, the question is when you live in the Lone Star State where everything is big, who owns the biggest residential house in Texas? The answer is, we don't know who owns this one now, but we know who used to own it, and when you read it, it will make a lot of sense.
You name it, if you leave it unattended in your yard or visible in an unlocked vehicle, chances are pretty good someone is going to steal it. I can't tell you what exactly has led to so many people in this country thinking what you own and worked hard for should suddenly be theirs, but that's where we are. What can you do? Don't make it so easy for them. Lock up your stuff, hide valuables in your vehicle or better yet, don't leave them there at all. Read about all this week's thefts and much more in your weekly rundown of crimes in Bowie County as prepared by Chief Deputy Robby McCarver.