Braunwyn Windham-Burke on Her RHOC Exit, Fernanda Rocha Dating Rumors and What s Next (Exclusive) ETOnline 21 hrs ago Brice Sander
Braunwyn Windham-Burke got the call that she would no longer be a Real Housewife just hours before the rest of the world found out. I was on a date at the beach, and our show-runner, Thomas Kelly, he sent me a text and Hey, can you talk in 15 minutes? I said, Sure, the reality star recalls to ET over video chat from her Newport Beach home. So then I went for a walk down the beach to where we couldn t hear the waves crashing, and he just said, Hey, how are you? I said, I m good, I m hanging out with so-and-so at the beach. He s like, OK, good. I m glad you re in a happy place. And once he said that, I was like, OK, all right. And he s like, The network decided to go another way. They re not going to be renewing your contract.