Bengaluru: Skillshare, the world’s largest creative learning platform, has tapped Illustrator and Multidisciplinary Artist from Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, Osheen Siva to teach a class titled Finding Your Creative Voice. Osheen’s class is now live
Facing systemic exploitation and discrimination, India's lowest castes have barely been acknowledged on the big screen. Now independent, mostly non-Hindi language filmmakers are challenging attitudes with powerful stories of injustice to give them a voice.
Facing systemic exploitation and discrimination, India's lowest castes have barely been acknowledged on the big screen. Now independent, mostly non-Hindi language filmmakers are challenging attitudes with powerful stories of injustice to give them a voice.
Facing systemic exploitation and discrimination, India’s lowest castes have barely been acknowledged on the big screen. Now independent, mostly non-Hindi language filmmakers are challenging attitudes with powerful stories of injustice to give them a voice