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Cousins Dean Lambos (left) and Trif Lambos are the second-generation family owners of the Dairi-Wip Drive-In at 383 Marion St. It was started by their fathers and their uncle in 1958. (Mikaela MacKenzie / Winnipeg Free Press)
Everything old is new again.
Everything old is new again.
This summer marks the 100-year anniversary of the carhop, a fleet-of-foot person tasked with fetching food to those who’ve opted to eat in the comfort of their vehicle. The owners of North America’s first drive-in restaurant, Kirby’s Pig Stand in Dallas, Texas, reportedly came up with the job title in 1921, after recognizing sales of automobiles wouldn’t be decreasing, any time soon.
The CEO of a large American company was recently quoted as saying, “We’re just trying to keep up with demand, it’s been a really crazy time for us.”
The CEO of a large American company was recently quoted as saying, We’re just trying to keep up with demand, it’s been a really crazy time for us.
Strangely enough, he wasn’t referring to toilet paper, hand gel or canned goods. Rather, he was discussing condiment packets, those individual-sized containers you routinely receive a handful of at the drive-thru window. With so many restaurants currently not offering dine-in service owing to COVID-19, call for the thin, rectangular packets has gone through the roof in the past 11 months, a reported 300 per cent increase in certain parts of the continent.