Assembled in the United States from complete knock-down kits, the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter has been hit with a whopping three recalls encompassing 3,775 ex.
The following may apply to one or more of your vehicles if your vehicle is listed below. Click on the NHTSA Recall ID Number below to read more about the safety issue and the reason for the recall.To find out if your specific passenger vehicle is included in the recall, use our VIN Look-up Tool.
Not exactly the most popular full-size van in the United States of America, the Sprinter is also notorious for its abysmal build quality. As a case in po.
The following may apply to one or more of your vehicles if your vehicle is listed below. Click on the NHTSA Recall ID Number below to read more about the safety issue and the reason for the recall.To find out if your specific passenger vehicle is included in the recall, use our VIN Look-up Tool.