Above the entrance of the building at 187 S. Indiana Ave. is a panel with foot-high letters that spell out the words “War Memorial.” Dedicated nearly a century ago, on
Anton Covlin and Alec Panasuk were neighboring farmers in Dogden, North Dakota. In September 1917 the two men got into a dispute over horses. Witnesses from each family told different stories, but could agree on one thing, Alec Panasuk died.
The Christmas season of 1923 in Kankakee came in a prosperous time, midway between the privations of World War I and the disastrous Great Depression of the 1930s.
‘American storms,’ Davy Crockett and a mysterious man called Lightning Ellis: The story behind the word ‘blizzard’ is no less opaque than the visibility during the storm itself.
After World War I, people across the country waited anxiously for the soldiers to make the long trip home. Towns from coast to coast jumped into action to prepare parades and events for the returning heroes.