Articles on OpinionNigeria's platform are objective, constructive, mind buggling and compels people to take ownership of issues in order to bring about practicable solutions.
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse have been in a relationship for five years, and are expecting their first child together. They're rumored to be engaged.
Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse have been in a relationship for five years, and are expecting their first child together. They re rumored to be engaged.
Hitting the snooze body can actually save your life. Here's what scientists revealed. Hitting the snooze button is one of the smallest things that can satisfy people, especially those working more than eight hours every weekday.
A 6-year-old boy has been praised for saving his mum’s life after she started having a seizure — simply by remembering a popular song about how to call an