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than hillary signs, and people are passionate, and making their own signs and if they don t show up, it doesn t matter. good to have you on set. good luck with the dodgers next year. thanks. see you on sunday. closing the loop. yeah, full circle. in the family here. the republican party is fractured and before anybody rushes to a plan to rebuild, there are perhaps a few questions that should be asked about what might have gone wrong this election season, and we will dig into those questions next on morning joe. ers go up, ers go up, despite your bt efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you co lo yr mbers? discov oe-daily invokana. it s t #prescribed 2 inhibir that wor to lowea1invokana. kana® ia ll used along t that wor to lowea1invokana. anexcisesignifantly wer blgar
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