early june. over 2,300 children separated from their families since the trump administration rolled out the zero tolerance policy in early may. if you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you. and that child may be separated from you as required by law. reporter: the confusion is rampant. this group of almost 20 undocumented immigrants were shuttled in and out of the federal courthouse to face the misdemeanor charge of illegal entry. this image has become a daily ewe teen at th routine at thi courthouse. prosecutors dismissed their cases and the group was taken out of the courthouse. a few hours later, prosecutors insisted the charges were never dismissed. i think it s a direct result of what s going on with our administration, that they re changing things on the fly. reporter: rochelle garza says the re on the on the border is much darker. the damage is done. all we re trying to do right now is pick up the pieces and see