THIS year marks a monumental milestone for Daikin as it celebrates its 100th anniversary, marking a century of innovation, quality and dedication to sustainable living.
SANDAKAN: Deputy Minister of Human Resources, Mustapha Sakmud, said departments and agencies under the Ministry offer comprehensive services and cover all aspects of the skilled workforce development. These include development of skill standards, commissioning and certification of skills, training for teaching staff, course funding, supply courses for students and the general public.
JAPANESE-owned Daikin Malaysia Group has reaffirmed its commitment to education and workforce development for young people, through the signing of a Daikin Scholarship Programme and a National Dual Training System (SLDN) programme.
İSTANBUL - Daikin Türkiye Akademi, yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgını döneminde eğitimlerini aralıksız sürdürürken, salgın döneminde dijital teknolojilerin gelişimini, yeni iş modelleriyle harmanlayarak eğitimlerini genişletti.
Daikin Türkiye Akademi, yeni tip koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgını döneminde eğitimlerini aralıksız sürdürürken, salgın döneminde dijital teknolojilerin gelişimini, yeni iş modelleriyle harmanlayarak eğitimlerini genişletti.