Winter birding round up - where to go and what to see in the Eastern U.P. - January 2021
Extension educator Elliot Nelson dishes on the best places to see winter birds in the Eastern U.P.
Pine Grosbeaks are being found at almost every bird feeder in the Eastern Upper Peninsula and area with fruit trees or conifers this winter. Photo: Elliot Nelson | Michigan Sea Grant
Welcome to this edition of the Eastern UP Winter Birding Round Up. I’ve been busy between work and home life, but still have had a chance to get out and bird this winter as well as glean what’s happening in the area from personal conversations, Facebook, eBird, emails and more. Birding is both a personal interest of mine, and a service I provide on behalf of Michigan Sea Grant, and as an Extension educator with Michigan State University. A reminder, most locations mentioned are found on the EUP Winter Birding Map at